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FRD Hydroflask 21oz
FRD Hydroflask 21oz
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$40.00 USD
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Are you a business owner, that has been operating your company for 2+ years or more?
Yes, and my business generates $1M + per year
Yes, and I have a plan to get to $1M + in revenue in the next year
No, my business is just in the beginning phases
I am not a business owner
Obviously, what you do for work isn't the most important thing in FRD, and...yet for many, it brings purpose to our lives. How do you spend your days professionally?
Do you currently belong to any other membership or local communities?
What's one word you'd use to describe your state of mind right now?
Which Front Row Dad Pillar of Growth are you doing the best in currently?
Vibrant Health
Intentional Parenting
Marriage / Partnership
Emotional Intelligence
Business Evolution
Wealth & Legacy
Which Front Row Dad Pillar of Growth are you struggling the most with?
Vibrant Health
Intentional Parenting
Marriage / Partnership
Emotional Intelligence
Business Evolution
Wealth & Legacy
What's one superpower you bring to fatherhood?
What has been the toughest part of being a dad in the last 30 days?
What do you want your kids to see you doing more often?
What is the one question that if you got an answer to, would make your experience in Front Row Dads worth your time?
What unique abilities and strengths would you be coming to the table with?
Which of the following best describes your knowledge about this Brotherhood group?
I think I know all I need to know, and I'm ready to join
I know a decent amount, but still have questions
I know almost nothing, and am curious to learn more
Which statement do you currently identify with most?
I am a businessman with a family
I am a family man with a business
How did you hear about us?
Thanks for sharing.
Once you click submit, stay on the page to book your appointment with a Front Row Dad Ambassador. This is your next step with us. If you do not book we will not consider the application.
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